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Mar 4, 20231 min read
Handling Violence at Home
“Hello there! I’m here to provide you with a bit of information on how you can handle volatile or violent situations at home as an active...
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Mar 4, 20231 min read
Preparing to be an Active Bystander
“Hello there! I’m here to provide you with a bit of information on things you can do to become an active bystander. I would like to...
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Mar 4, 20232 min read
Equip Yourself to Intervene Actively
“Hello there! I’m here to provide you with a bit of information on how you, as a bystander, can actively intervene during an instance of...
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Mar 3, 20231 min read
Responding to a Child who has Experienced Abuse
“Hello there! I’m here to provide you with a bit of information on supporting a child survivor of violence or any violation. I would like...
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Mar 2, 20231 min read
Providing Psychological First Aid
“Hello there! I’m here to provide you with a bit of information on providing psychological first aid to a survivor or victim of violence...
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Mar 2, 20233 min read
Being an Online Bystander
“Hello there! I’m here to provide you with a bit of information on safe bystander intervention online. I would like to remind you that...
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Mar 2, 20231 min read
Safe Ways to Immediately Intervene
“Hello there! I’m here to provide you with a bit of information on how you can safely intervene during an episode/s of sexual or...
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Mar 2, 20231 min read
How to Intervene
“Hello there! I’m here to provide you with a bit of information on the importance of distraction, delegation, direction, and delaying...
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Mar 2, 20231 min read
Basics of Bystander Intervention
“Hello there! I’m here to provide you with a bit of information on what it means to be a bystander of sexual and gender-based violence. I...
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Jan 30, 20232 min read
Building Your Own First Aid Kit
“Hello there! I’m here to provide you with a bit of information on building a first aid kit. I would like to remind you that suggestions...
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Jan 30, 20231 min read
Basic First Aid Knowledge for Various Injuries
“Hello there! I’m here to provide you with a bit of information on basic first aid information for survivors who have confronted any...
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Jan 19, 20232 min read
Creating a Safety Plan
“Hello there! I’m here to provide you with a bit of information on building a safety plan. I would like to remind you that suggestions on...
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Jun 28, 20221 min read
Reactions You Can Expect from SGBV Survivors
“Hello there! I’m here to provide you with a bit of information on the various short and long-term reactions you can expect from...
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Jun 2, 20221 min read
Responding to a Disclosure when the Survivor is Not Near You
“Hello there! I’m here to provide you with a bit of information on the things you can say or do to help a survivor when you receive...
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May 23, 20221 min read
The DO's & DONTs of Responding to a SGBV Disclosure
“Hello there! I’m here to provide you with a bit of information on the things you can do and say, and actions and statements that are a...
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