What's Project Tell-Tale's aim?
adjective: telltale; adjective: tell-tale
revealing or indicating something.
Through Project Tell-Tale, team Imaara aspires to anonymously document and share courageous, inspiring, and moving tales of survivors of sexual and gender-based violence and bystanders.
How is storytelling significant for survivors or victims of violence?
Storytelling led by survivors or victims, prioritizes survivors or victims and their encounters.
Storytelling can be used as a tool to feel empowered.
Storytelling can be a means to feel stronger.
Storytelling can assist reflection of events and the changes survivors or victims have experienced as a result of traumatizing event/s.
Storytelling can be cathartic for the narrator.
Storytelling can help minimize self-blame.
Writing and sharing one's experiences can assist the acceptance of traumatizing events and the grief that comes with it which can aid in moving past the event, hence facilitating the journey to healing.
Through Project Tell-Tale, we aspire to provide uninterrupted time and space for victims or survivors to discuss their experiences without having to constantly revisit events.
How does storytelling impact society?
Storytelling is a way to document instances of sexual and gender-based violence. Documentation is important because it assists the sharing of knowledge for a better understanding of how we can prevent sexual and gender-based violence in communities.
Storytelling encourages supporting each other.
Storytelling can help minimize judgements, misconceptions, stigmas, etc. surrounding victims or survivors of sexual and gender-based violence.
Collective hurt can be recognized through storytelling.
Understanding, solidarity, and unity increases when stories are shared leading to greater chances of survivors or victims of violence to come together and seek change.
Storytelling can be utilized to improve education , training, service provisions, laws & policy making.
Apiyo, N. (n.d.). Story telling as a documentation method, healing process and means of mobilizing survivors. University of California, Berkley. https://www.law.berkeley.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Uganda_JRP_Story-Telling-Documentation-Healing.pdf
Beneficial but triggering: Using survivors’ stories of abuse. (2021, November 25). University of South Wales. Retrieved May 26, 2023 from https://www.southwales.ac.uk/research/research-news/beneficial-but-triggering-using-survivors-stories-of-abuse/